Predicted by ChatGPT’s Owners: 4 Revolutionary AI Advancements ChatGPT with Vision, Hearing, and Speech Capabilities

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ChatGPT is a popular chatbot that can have natural and engaging conversations with users on various topics. It is powered by a large-scale artificial intelligence (AI) system developed by OpenAI, a research organization dedicated to creating and ensuring the safe use of human-friendly AI.

Recently, OpenAI announced that ChatGPT has received a major update that enables chatGPT with vision, hear, and speak capabilities. This means that users can now interact with ChatGPT using voice, images, or both, in addition to text. These new features offer a more intuitive and versatile way of using ChatGPT in different scenarios and domains.

How to use voice with ChatGPT

  • Users can now use voice to engage in a back-and-forth conversation with ChatGPT. They can speak with it on the go, request a bedtime story, or settle a dinner table debate. ChatGPT can also speak back to the users using one of the five different voices available.
  • To use voice with ChatGPT, users need to have the mobile app and opt into voice conversations in the settings. Then, they can tap the headphone button located in the top-right corner of the home screen and choose their preferred voice.
  • The voice capability of ChatGPT is powered by a new text-to-speech model, capable of generating human-like audio from just text and a few seconds of sample speech. OpenAI collaborated with professional voice actors to create each of the voices. ChatGPT also uses Whisper, an open-source speech recognition system, to transcribe the spoken words into text.

How to use images with ChatGPT

  • Users can now show ChatGPT one or more images and have it respond accordingly. They can troubleshoot why their grill won’t start, explore the contents of their fridge to plan a meal, or analyze a complex graph for work-related data. To focus on a specific part of the image, they can use the drawing tool in the mobile app.
  • To use images with ChatGPT, users can simply upload an image or take a photo using the camera icon in the app. They can also add text or voice input along with the image to provide more context or ask specific questions.
  • The image capability of ChatGPT is powered by a new vision model, capable of understanding and generating natural language descriptions from images. OpenAI trained the model on a large-scale dataset of images and captions, as well as on its own generated images and texts.

To know more about Generative AI and ChatGPT :

How to try out the new features

The new features of ChatGPT are rolling out to Plus and Enterprise users over the next two weeks. Plus users pay $20 a month for unlimited access to ChatGPT’s text-based conversations and up to 100 voice or image interactions per month. Enterprise users are business clients who can customize ChatGPT for their specific needs and domains.

Users who are not subscribed to Plus or Enterprise can still try out the new features by signing up for a free trial or requesting an invitation from OpenAI. They can also check out some of the demos and examples that OpenAI has shared on its website⁴ and social media⁶.

ChatGPT is one of the most advanced and human-like chatbots available today. With its new features, it becomes even more accessible and useful for various purposes and audiences. Whether you want to have fun, learn something new, or get some help, ChatGPT is ready to see, hear, and speak with you.

Here are some interesting facts and figures about what will happen if ChatGPT with vision hear and speak:

figues how many people from different ages using chatGPT

ChatGPT could potentially revolutionize the way we interact with technology, making it more natural and intuitive. Imagine being able to talk to your phone, computer, or smart device as if they were human, and having them understand and respond to you in a conversational manner. ChatGPT could also enable new forms of entertainment, education, and socialization, such as creating personalized stories, games, podcasts, or virtual friends.

ChatGPT could also have a significant impact on various industries and domains, such as customer service, health care, education, journalism, and marketing. ChatGPT could provide faster, cheaper, and more scalable solutions for tasks that require natural language processing and generation, such as answering queries, providing information, generating content, or giving feedback. ChatGPT could also enhance the quality and diversity of these services by offering different voices, languages, styles, and tones.

According to a recent study published in Scientific Reports, AI chatbots have a significant impact on language and perceptions during communication. The study found that AI chatbots can influence the linguistic style and emotional tone of human users, as well as their attitudes and opinions. The study also found that human users tend to adapt their language to the chatbot’s level of sophistication and personality.

The owner of ChatGPT has said various things about this topic, depending on the context and the audience. Here are some examples of what ChatGPT owner said about this topic:

The owner of ChatGPT is OpenAI, an AI research laboratory that was founded in 2015 by Sam Altman, Elon Musk, and other prominent figures. Sam Altman is the current CEO of OpenAI and the main contributor behind ChatGPT’s success.

Sam Altman talking about chatGPT

Announcing the launch of ChatGPT-4 in 2023, Sam Altman said:

We are excited to share ChatGPT-4, the latest and most powerful version of our conversational AI system. ChatGPT-4 can generate coherent and engaging responses across a wide range of domains and tasks, from casual chit-chat to complex problem-solving. ChatGPT-4 is also more robust and reliable than previous versions, thanks to our extensive safety testing and evaluation. We believe that ChatGPT-4 can empower users to have more meaningful and productive conversations with AI.

Sam Altman (Founder of OpenAI)


Therefore, if ChatGPT can hear and speak, it could have a profound effect on how we think and work. We need to be aware of the potential benefits and drawbacks of using this technology in our everyday lives and how it will influence the ways in which we perceive and interact with one another. We also need to develop AI that supports human goals and to educate people how best to use these new technologies in effective and ethical ways.

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